Health Care Professionals
“Liability” and “prosecution” are not the words that come in mind for health care professionals. Whether you are a doctor, administrator, nurse, or a certified nursing aid, health care professionals go to work to help others. Unfortunately, Plaintiff attorneys are ready to scrutinize and capitalize on the standard of care provided by the employees and the facility. In a long-term care facility, a plaintiff’s attorney will initiate the process by having the family lodge a complaint with the Department of Public Health to trigger a criminal and regulatory investigation. Instead of redressing the family’s concerns with the facility, they will have the governmental entities responsible for overseeing the facility investigate the matter. This will promulgate other governmental agencies, such as the local police department, Ombudsman, Department of Justice, Operation Guardian, to commence their investigation as well. Documents can be obtained without a subpoena using the authority provided by the Medicare provider participation program and multiple witness will be interviewed without an attorney being present. All of this done without the Plaintiff’s attorney spending any money or resources before the civil case is filed.
The Khachatourians Law Group works with a pool of experienced and talented attorneys familiar with health care law. Arthur Khachatourians and his defense team have an enviable track record of successfully defending nursing homes, residential care facilities, rehab centers, senior living, hospice providers and hospitals. Typical claims have involved pressure ulcers, bed sores, dehydration, sepsis, UTI, weight loss, falls, under staffing, Medi-Cal fraud, elder abuse, and neglect. The Khachatourians Law Group is dedicated to actively investigate matters and works hands on with their clients in an attempt to prevent or mitigate civil liability and criminal exposure.
Call 818-590-8294 for a Health Care Defense Consultation.