Criminal Investigations
Criminal Investigations arise when an informant files a complaint with a law enforcement agency or documentation is submitted that triggers a criminal investigation (i.e. Medi-Cal fraud or insurance fraud). Peace officers will locate and interview accused persons and witnesses, analyze their statements, examine records, gathering evidence, conduct sting operations, execute subpoenas and search warrants, and conduct undercover operations and make arrests. When a person has criminal exposure, it is vital to obtain representation as to allow the attorney to adequately and competently represent the suspect or the accused through the adversary criminal process. Anything said to a police officer or a governmental agent may be used against that person who is under criminal investigation. When a governmental agency is investigating a matter, it is important to hire an attorney immediately. A qualified and experienced attorney will first determine whether the person they want to interview is a witness, a target, or a suspect of the criminal investigation. Sometimes police officers or government agents will use a false friend to obtain information. A close friend or a co-worker may be wired and attempt to elicit information from the person targeted in the criminal investigation. It is in these early stages of the criminal process that hiring an experienced attorney and asserting your 5th Amendment right to remain silent is vital.
Hiring the Khachatourians Law Group sooner than later may prevent criminal charges from being filed. Communication on social media, text messages, emails, and other form of electronic or written materials may be subject to a subpoena. Any statements that are made by a person is an admission which may be allowed to be presented in court. By exercising your right to remain silent and have your attorney’s team investigate the facts and circumstances of the case, may prevent multiple or inconsistent statements and may prevent criminal charges from being filed. The Khachatourians Law Group has the experience in investigating facts, interviewing witnesses, and obtaining qualified experts as to provide the missing facts to the investigative agency as to prevent criminal charges from being filed as appropriate. If you are contacted by a governmental agency, contact the Khachatourians Law Group for a defense consultation. Referenced-below are some governmental agencies that are authorized under California Penal Code section 830.3 to investigation and enforce the laws through prosecution:
Government Agents and Special Investigators

California Bureau of Firearms – Special Agents
The Bureau of Firearms enforces the manufacture, sales, ownership, safety training, and transfer of firearms. The Bureau is a branch of the California Department of Justice in charge of background checks and clearance for the purchase and sale of firearms.
California Bureau of Gambling Control – Special Agents
Special Agents and Field Representatives monitor cardroom gambling establishments and tribal casinos in California by routine inspections of gambling operations; targeting non-compliant gambling establishments, investigating suspected violations of the gambling laws, embezzlement of gambling establishments, and money laundering. The bureau investigates bookmaking, loan sharking, burglary, robbery, counterfeiting, extortion, cheating scams, illegal gaming, embezzlement, narcotic distribution, and prostitution as it relates to gambling establishments and tribal casinos.
California Employment Development Department
Investigates false and fraudulent unemployment claims filed, including alleges that deal with continued unemployment benefits without reporting work and wages, giving false information to obtain unemployment benefits, and/or failing to contribute to unemployment benefits for current employees.
California Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse – Special Agents
Investigates false and fraudulent unemployment claims filed, including alleges that deal with continued unemployment benefits without reporting work and wages, giving false information to obtain unemployment benefits, and/or failing to contribute to unemployment benefits for current employees.
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Is responsible for the operation and control of California’s state prison and parole systems and investigates parole violations.
California Department of Developmental Services
The agency provides services for California residents with developmental disabilities, such as autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual disability and conditions related to intellectual disability.
California Highway Patrol
Peace officers responsible for the investigation and enforcement of crimes that occur on California freeways and highways.
Los Angeles Police Department
The LAPD is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of felony, misdemeanor, and juvenile cases that occur in Los Angeles.
California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
The ABC regulates the manufacture, importation and sale of alcoholic beverages in California. It also has the power for good cause to deny, suspend or revoke any specific alcoholic beverage license.
California Department of Consumer Affairs, Division of Investigation
Special agents provide investigative services in order to protect consumers and licensees enforcing professional standards. Enforce complaints relating to suspected violations of the Business and Professions Code, Health and Safety Code and other applicable statutes. Investigate crimes related to illegal prescriptions, unlicensed activity, narcotics, false advertising, illegal practice of medicine, fraud and patient abuse, and identity theft.