Criminal Convictions Effecting Your Driving Privileges:
California Vehicle Code sections 13200 through 13210 provides certain criminal convictions that will trigger suspension of your driver’s license. This is separate from any action taken by the DMV administration. In certain situations, an exception may be obtained from the court to prevent suspension of your driver’s license. Therefore, it is critical to have an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorney represent you where your driving privilege may be suspended as a result of a pending criminal case. Referenced below are certain criminal convictions that may trigger the suspension of your driving privilege:
- Driving Excess of 100 Miles – Vehicle Code Section 22348(b)
- Reckless Driving – Vehicle Code Section 23103
- Hit and Run – Vehicle Code Section 20002
- Reckless Driving with Bodily Injury – Vehicle Code Section 23104
- Evading a Police Officer – Vehicle Code Section 28001 et. al.
- Causing Accident for False or Fraudulent Insurance Claim

If you have been arrested for a crime relevant to the subject matters referenced-above, call attorney Arthur Khachatourians for a defense consultation. If you have been arrested for a DUI, you have no more than 10 days to request an administrative DMV hearing to prevent the suspension of your driving privilege upon the expiration of your temporary license.